Calibration and Validation for Test and Measurement Devices « Gulf Training & Consultation Gulf Training & Consultation

Course Objectives

Contact Gulf Training Team to Find Out More Info About the Training Course.

Educational approach

  • Theories, approaches, and best practices used in anti-bribery management system auditing
  • Lecture sessions, which are illustrated with case studies inspired by real events and practical exercises based on a case study that includes role-playing and discussions
  • Interaction between participants by means of questions and suggestions

Why Gulf Training and Consultation Center?

  • We have a large pool of experienced and professional auditors that are qualified internationally.
  • The competency of our multi-disciplined auditors adds value and credibility to our certificates.


Course Target

Calibration and Validation for Test and Measurement Devices

Duration: 5 Days
Start Date: 2024/02/04
Language: ,
Course Fees:

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