Accident Investigation and Reporting « Gulf Training & Consultation Gulf Training & Consultation

Course Objectives

In spite of all our best efforts, accidents and incidents occasionally occur. These unplanned or undesired events can adversely affect a company’s work operations and may include work-related injuries, occupational illnesses, property damage, spills and fires. Critically all incidents should therefore be thoroughly investigated demonstrating a proven company-wide process of efficiency and effectiveness linked to the Safety Management System (SMS). The more serious the incident the more extensive the investigation.

However, even a minor incident or near-miss incident also requires a thorough investigation as this may reveal significant potential for a serious future incident should the conditions be left uncorrected. While incidents seem to happen for obvious reasons, there may be things that contribute to an accident which are not always immediately apparent. Attendance on this training course will provide you with the confidence and necessary professionalism to enable a thorough Accident Investigation as soon as practicable after the event.

This training course will highlight:

  • Why and who conducts an investigation?
  • Investigation methodology, the essential six-step process
  • Characteristics of an effective incident/accident analysis program
  • The two major components that contribute to the cause of an incident
  • Why investigations must be constructive, professional, credible and timely
  • Safety Management Systems on promoting a pro-active Safety Culture
  • Develop the knowledge and skills required to investigate all adverse events.
  • Understand the causes of accidents and ill-health.
  • Understand the elements that combine to form an accident.
  • Develop confidence & professionalism in investigating, interviewing & reporting
  • Ensure all employees & contractors are aware of the SMS and ‘Safety Culture’
  • Apply the legal requirements and company procedures


Day One: Incident and Accident Theories

Competency Description: All accidents whether major or minor are caused, there is no such thing as an accidental accident.  Very few accidents, particularly in large organizations and complex technologies are associated with a single cause. The causes are complex and interactive.

Key behaviors

  • Sound knowledge of H&S
  • Understanding the causes of accidents
  • Risk control measures
  • Understanding the types of accidents
  • Awareness of the concept of ‘Human Error’
  • Attributes of a Safety Culture (SMS)

Topics to be covered

  • Incident & Accident Analysis Overview, exploring Accident Theory
  • Identify accident and incident causation factors
  • What are the necessary conditions for an accident to happen?
  • Unsafe Acts V. Unsafe Conditions: Avoiding the “Blame Game”
  • Role of the HSE Team Leader and a trained and prepared workforce during an Investigation
  • Links between Risk Assessment and Incident Investigation
  • Factors that contribute towards establishing a good safety culture?
  • Case Studies – organizations who survived and those who failed

Day Two: Investigation Methodology

Competency Description: An effective investigation requires a methodical, structured approach to information gathering, collation and analysis. The findings of the investigation will form the basis of an action plan to prevent the accident or incident from happening again and for improving your overall management of risk.

Key behaviors

  • Active listening
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Observation skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Attentive, Patient and relaxed

Topics to be covered

  • Six-step accident investigation process
  • Scene Protection and Examination – Who should be involved at this stage
  • Listen and Learn, and Learn to Look and Listen More
  • The importance of Note Taking v. reliance on memory
  • Scene Photographs (+video) and Sketching – equipment required
  • Case Studies

Day Three: Root Cause Analysis

Competency Description: Behind every accident, there lies many contributing factors, causes and sub-causes. The theory of multiple causation is that these factors combine together, in random fashion, causing accidents. So, during accident investigations, there is a need to identify as many of these causes as possible, rather than just one for each stage of the ‘domino’ sequence.

Key behaviors

  • Ability to identify Immediate, Underlying or Root Cause
  • Ability to resist the temptation to ‘blame’
  • Demonstrate competence in organizational and communication skills
  • Planning and Implementation skills
  • Factors affecting human performance
  • Knowledge of Individual, Job and Organizational Factors

Topics to be covered

  • What is the “Root Cause” and why is it important
  • Basic v. Root Cause: Getting from “effect” to “cause”
  • What questions to ask to confirm “Root Cause”
  • From Root Cause to Prevention
  • Consider the Human Error issues
  • Help to establish and maintain regulatory due diligence
  • The role of policies, equipment and training on accident prevention
  • Case Studies

Day Four: Interviewing Techniques, Facts, Evidence & Witness Statements

Competency Description: After you have initially documented the accident scene, the next difficult step is to start investigating for additional details by conducting interviews. This module will help you understand how to set up an interview and develop interview questions, how to organise the interview and the participants to most effectively get accurate information.

Key behaviors

  • Demonstrate personal leadership skills
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Ability to ‘engage’ with witnesses
  • Courtesy and good manners

Topics to be covered

  • Purpose and preparation for the Interview
  • Who conducts the interview
  • Where to conduct an interview
  • Building Rapport with the witness
  • Obtaining Witness Statements
  • Forms and Format
  • Inculpatory and Exculpatory statements
  • Group Exercise (Obtaining Statements)

Day Five: Report Writing & Practical Exercises

Competency Description: Now that you have accurately assessed and analyzed the facts related to the accident and developed effective corrective actions and system improvements, you must report your findings to those who have the authority to take action. In this module, we’ll cover the procedure for effectively reporting the facts.

Key behaviors

  • Decision making skills
  • Presentation and Persuasion skills
  • Effective writing skills
  • Ability to express recommendations
  • Ability to prepare ‘Executive Summaries’

Topics to be covered

  • Forms, format and structure
  • Effective Writing Skills – simple, self-explanatory and straightforward
  • Writing the Report – the aim is to persuade and seek action
  • Help to prevent recurrence – cost savings (human and financial)
  • Class exercise – Accident Investigation based on case study
  • Class exercise – Produce the outline of a suitable report from the above

Course Target

This Advanced Accident Investigation & Reporting training course is suitable for those officers who may become involved in these investigation as well as Managers wishing to have a deeper knowledge of this process and crucially how it affects the interpretation of the law, regulations and company procedures. This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • HSE Officers
  • Supervisors
  • Inspectors
  • Advisors
  • Auditors
  • Team Leaders/Managers

Accident Investigation and Reporting

Duration: 5 Days
Start Date: 2025/07/06
Language: ,
Course Fees:

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