Participants gained the following skills:
• Identify the latest OSHA and NFPA programs
• Developing occupational safety and health programs within the facility
• Enable participants to activate the necessary procedures and guidelines for occupational safety and health activities
• Developing safety programs and plans to address various types of emergencies
• The role of good communication among the various parties in the work and the foundations of sound leadership and the policy of working as a team and develop the necessary skills for it.
• Principles of occupational safety.
• Occupational health and control of the work environment.
• International safety standards and legislation.
• Identify, predict, evaluate and control work risks
Course Target
Health and safety managers, field supervisors, engineers, safety specialists, site managers and anyone who requires a better knowledge of workplace safety rules and regulations.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'wfWAFStorageFileException' with message 'Unable to save temporary file for atomic writing.' in /home/gulftraining/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php:30
Stack trace:
#0 /home/gulftraining/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php(650): wfWAFStorageFile::atomicFilePutContents('/home/gulftrain...', '<?php exit('Acc...')
#1 [internal function]: wfWAFStorageFile->saveConfig('synced')
#2 {main}
thrown in /home/gulftraining/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php on line 30