Risk-Based Internal Auditing « Gulf Training & Consultation Gulf Training & Consultation

Course Objectives

The Internal Audit Department plays a critical role in serving the organization with a range of core functions. These include activities such as assessing internal controls, enhancing operational efficiency, detecting and preventing fraudulent activities, ensuring adherence to regulatory policies and procedures, as well as compliance with government laws and regulations. Establishing a strong and well-equipped internal audit function represents a significant milestone in an organization’s growth trajectory. However, realizing the full potential of the audit function requires adopting an open approach that embraces interpersonal skills, promotes teamwork, leverages data analysis, enhances fraud prevention, and encourages quick and flexible thinking. Only by adopting these principles can the audit function truly contribute to the value of the organization. This course addresses these critical elements and guides participants in transforming their audit function from a traditional reporting function to becoming strategic partners with other stakeholders, thus becoming an integral and indispensable part of the organization. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Defining the scope and functions of internal audit in the company.
  • Distinguish types of internal audit tasks related to operations, compliance, quality, safety, or financial.
  • Describe guidelines for planning internal audits and develop a risk-based audit plan.
  • Apply risk identification and control techniques and test them.
  • Determine the best sampling methods for the internal audit mission in terms of sample size or sample selection.
  • Choose the appropriate testing tools used in internal auditing and mention the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
  • Being able to apply internal audit based on risk analysis in government departments efficiently and effectively.
  • Identify the practical applications of internal control arrangements in the public and private sectors.



For more info contact us: training@gulf-training.com

Course Target

Target Audience:

This course is designed for internal audit practitioners and audit managers who want to leverage their knowledge and increase their value to the organization by developing effective risk-based audit plans that address emerging risks.


Target Competencies:

  • Risk Management.
  • Auditing and Review.
  • Analytical Procedures.
  • Corporate Governance.
  • Planning.
  • Managing the Team Work.

Risk-Based Internal Auditing

Duration: 5 Days
Start Date: 2025/08/03
Language: ,
Course Fees:

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